Little Mix!

Little Mix!
2011 WINNERS!!

Tuesday, 20 December 2011

The X Factor 2011, farewell!

And now, the end is here, and we have seen the final showdown. My friends, I wrote it clear, I've blogged my thoughts, I've gave the low down! (me and Frank wrote that together!)

So then, that's it for another year, personally I can't quite believe how quickly it's gone over. It seems like just yesterday I was ranting about not liking the sound of the new judges, then completely changing my mind and ranting about how much I love them. Now we have our winner, and I bet no-one predicted a group would win this year, let alone a girl group, I certainly didn't. However they proved each week how much they deserved to be there, and improved massively from start to finish. I truly hope they do well after the show because personally I can't wait to hear more from them. I want, sorry, I NEED to see more 'Little Mix' songs in my library! Get cracking lasses!!!

As promised I'm gonna do a little series review, just highlighting a few personal best and worst moments. I'm only gonna concentrate on the finalists else I'll be still writing when next years starts!

Before I begin though I just want to address something, now a lot of people have been complaining that this year has been boring and The X Factor has ran its course, well I am being 100% truthful when I say that I think this year has been one of the better years, I started getting bored a few years back and missed quite a few last year, but this year I've watched every episode religiously, and personally I would be gutted if they didn't bring it back. I think the talent this year, generally, has been quite high, but also quite similar and despite the controversy it caused, people missed the 'Jedward' and 'Wagner' acts. Yea we had Frankie, but you couldn't laugh at him, and although Kitty and Johnny put on a good show, they also both had a reasonable amount of talent.
Even with a drop in ratings it's still the most watched TV show and would be a HUGE miss even to those complaining!! I read an article today saying the final had more viewers than The Royal Wedding, THE ROYAL WEDDING!!! Watched by every man woman cat dog fish and every bloody teddy bear! How can they morally spin that into a slating about a big drop in viewers for the final, I just can't comprehend it!! It's the same story with the sales figures for Cannonball, reported as the fastest selling single this year, got straight to number 1, yet all the press can do is slate it for not selling as well as previous years, its very contradictory. To me that says more about single sales in general than anything else. This year The X Factor has taken a lot of unnecessary media bashing's, some not so unnecessary as well but still, in general it's just been unfair, and I would love for them to come bouncing back next year! I've gone off track haven't I?? This bit was supposed to be short and just say that this year has been AMAZEBALLS! Dammit I always talk too much!! Swiftly moving on....

Best and worst! Little Mix and Frankie. Nuff said!! Good night....

HA, As if....let's do this!!
I'm not gonna ramble on too much about Little Mix here coz I'm gonna assume you all already know I love them, and I've already rambled on enough in my previous posts, and earlier in this one, I'm rambling again aren't I? DAM!!
First up one of my fave performances, all I'm gonna say is E.T.!! Wow! As a performance that will take a lot to beat. The vocals, the stage set up, the make-up, everything was awesome socks, with a capital AWE!!!
Not forgetting the 'Don't Let Go' performance, OH to the EM GEE! And of course every other song they sang, whoops forgot I wasn't meant to ramble about Little Mix too much, it's just so hard when they were just so fantabulously gorgeously amazingly AWESOME!!! Ok ok I'll talk about some other contestants now, if I must! Pffft.

I have to admit, Marcus had a few show stopping moments early on in the competition, but the best moments besides Little Mix for me personally seemed to always come from Johnny, oh how I loved him! Each week he showed us a different side, but my favourite 2 performances from him were 'I Believe in a thing Called Love' in rock week, he totally nailed that, I am a fan of The Darkness and was actually over the moon when I heard he was singing it, and oh by gosh did he live up to my extremely high expectations. My other favourite of his was 'That old Devil Called Love' Johnny really shone that week, it was a perfect song choice for him and I don't care what anyone else says, I will always have a soft spot for him, for some reason I like to use the word chap when I refer to Johnny haha, he seemed like a lovely chap!

From amazing performances to annoyingly cringeworthy moments, did anyone else want to slap Kitty when she jumped in the pool at judges houses then just laughed awkwardly!!! Argh!! Maybe it was just me but that REALLY annoyed me! To be fair though I'm pretty easily annoyed, BE WARNED!!!! Wow I like exclamation marks don't I?
Another 'punch in the face' annoying moment was Kelly Rowland and her reaction to Craig in floor fillers week 'Who knew you could do up tempo, owwwwwww' every time I see it replayed I want to bite my hand in annoyance. I'm not a big fan of stuff like that as you can probably guess! Needless to say I cringed at quite a few Frankie performances, not all of them though, I want to make that clear. As I've said before, I disagree with the unnecessary character bashing, but hey let's not get into that!

Overall this series has had it's ups and downs like every year, however unlike previous years, It's kept me interested every week.We've had tears, fall-outs, tantrums, judges missing, judges kissing, Dermot dancing, oh my god, DERMOT DANCING!! I'm gonna miss that the most *sobs uncontrollably*!!

Oh the new judges were a shock to the system were't they, but now I kinda love some of them (emphasis on some). Personally I would like to see a small jig around, I have my ideas on who but that's just for my little ol' brainicle! One thing I will shout from the rooftops, only because I already have, is how much I think Tulisa suits the panel, many people were wary but she PUT IT DOWN!!! I would like to see her return, but that's all your getting out of me!! Also a few of the other twists were pretty cruel/cool, like the voting off in the first week, ouch, and the final live at Wembley WHOOOP! I wasn't sure how well that would work if I'm honest but it was ace!

Social media has changed the way I interacted with the show this year, which might be the reason why I've enjoyed it so much more. The power of Twitter is phenomenal, how many times did it overload!!! You don't get none of that during a Strictly episode do you!! Just Saying! And of course blogging, connecting with people from all over the world just by writing what you think and feel, it's been an amazing few month and I'm gutted it's all over, but I promise to start blogging again next year, so long as you promise to read it....It's been an absolute a pleasure. Just want to say a huge thanks to Stephen for his encouragement, guidance and of course for allowing me the pleasure of working with him. Not forgetting the amazing Amy for her support, and editing skills ;-) and of course a HUGE thanks to each and every one of you reading and following this blog, you've been awesome socks, and if I could hug every one of you I would, but I can't, sorry!
Keep in touch @TulisaRoxMySox :-)

Merry XFactormas and Happy New Year to you all! xxx

1 comment:

  1. Amazing, amazing, amazing....your above words do the talking re. this series! Thanks for the banter and blogging times TRMS :)

    I'm not one to wish my life away but....hurry up Xfactor 2012!

    ps Can I ask where the banner picture was taken/is from? It's flippin amazing!
