Little Mix!

Little Mix!
2011 WINNERS!!

Saturday, 10 December 2011

And then there were 2....

Tonight has been both amazing and shocking in equal amounts. For those who haven't actually watched tonight's episode then you may want to avert your eyes for the next paragraph...

Just want to start by saying a huge WELL DONE to Amelia Lily, although she got voted off, she has amazing talent and will go far. Based on her performance tonight alone she didn't deserve to go home but overall I think it was probably her time.

Ok lets have a quick discussion on the performances, and unfortunately I won't be nicey nicey like the judges are on final weekend :-) SORRY!

First up Marcus, his first performance was just wrong, it didn't suit him at all, totally wrong song for him for the final. I was expecting so much more, but saying that, at least nobody can ever accuse him of playing it safe, he definitely tries a bit of everything, and isn't scared too. His 2nd performance, duet with Gary, was much better vocally, they both suited the song well. Personally I found it boring but vocally it was very good, he pulled it back a bit.

Little Mix were up next, and as always I speak honestly regardless of personal feelings. I can honestly say I thought they smashed it TOTALLY! First song was awesome, vocally top class, and a really good song choice for them. Then came their duet with Tulisa, and quite a few people have been doubting Tulisa's vocal abilities, well doubt no longer, that girl can SING! And yet again the song choice was awesome, really REALLY loved it! (yes lots of capitals tonight, I'm THAT excited)

Finally we had Amelia singing Christina Aguilera, much better than she has previously. She really brought it to the final - as Kelly would say! Eugh! Maybe a little shouty in parts, but I've actually trained myself to get past that, it's obviously just part of Amelia's style. Shame I just got used to it and she's gone home, oh well hashtag moving on! Her second performance with Kelly was a bit hmmmmm for me, good song choice, but anyone following that performance from Tulisa and Little Mix were going to struggle :-) tee hee I'm naughty!

So that was the 1st instalment of the final. And I have to say, I was a bit worried about it being at Wembley Arena, I'm not a fan of change! Proper old biddy you know, but it really worked, the stage was awesome, and I bet the atmosphere was intense.

Really don't know which way the final is going to go, obviously I know who I want to win, but I think both are talented and will have a big future ahead of them. The winners single is usually a good deciding factor so I'm looking forward to hearing them both perform their versions.

BRING ON THE FINAL!!!!! KEEP VOTING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

PS - of course I didn't sell my tickets to see The Saturdays tonight just so I could stay in and watch the show live, because that would be RIDICULOUS!!! GEEK!!!! *looks around shiftily*


  1. I was wondering where this was, was getting a bit nervy, wanted it... nearly had to watch football. What will I do when the X Factor blog is gone?

    Anyway here it is... Marcus had an mare tonight. Was out fought, out blinged and out singed (I know it isnt a word but, it sounded good and I was in there and had to see it through).

    I can only think it was past performances that got him through, because Amelia was quality. That being said, based on tonight... the final is Little Mix's to lose.

    Im off to pause Dermot dancing. Can you do slo mo on Sky Plus?

    Twinkle toes xx

  2. Helloooo! Can't believe how quickly time has gone and here we are at the xfactor final, and what a final (part 1) it was!!

    Simply stunning show for three reasons last night... Little Mix, Tulisa & Dermot. It was once again crazy how vast the gap was between Little Mix and the other two. Marcus was definitely the weakest last night I agree Hey Ya! was a terrible choice for him and it showed, vocally it was difficult to listen to and again I felt Amelias song was pitched just too high for her to make it comfortable to listen to.

    The highlight of the night was definitely THAT tulisa & little mix duet! Was just stunning and it was easy to see that Tulisa is an accomplished performer who has arena performed before. I'm definitely NOT saying she overshadowed LM but I think she showed what they need to aspire to interms of refined stage presence and vocal strength! Crazy to think she is only 23!!

    oh and dermot thank you for last night! you are the perfect host and please never leave!

    Peace and love out!
