And now, the end is here, and we have seen the final showdown. My friends, I wrote it clear, I've blogged my thoughts, I've gave the low down! (me and Frank wrote that together!)
So then, that's it for another year, personally I can't quite believe how quickly it's gone over. It seems like just yesterday I was ranting about not liking the sound of the new judges, then completely changing my mind and ranting about how much I love them. Now we have our winner, and I bet no-one predicted a group would win this year, let alone a girl group, I certainly didn't. However they proved each week how much they deserved to be there, and improved massively from start to finish. I truly hope they do well after the show because personally I can't wait to hear more from them. I want, sorry, I NEED to see more 'Little Mix' songs in my library! Get cracking lasses!!!
As promised I'm gonna do a little series review, just highlighting a few personal best and worst moments. I'm only gonna concentrate on the finalists else I'll be still writing when next years starts!
Before I begin though I just want to address something, now a lot of people have been complaining that this year has been boring and The X Factor has ran its course, well I am being 100% truthful when I say that I think this year has been one of the better years, I started getting bored a few years back and missed quite a few last year, but this year I've watched every episode religiously, and personally I would be gutted if they didn't bring it back. I think the talent this year, generally, has been quite high, but also quite similar and despite the controversy it caused, people missed the 'Jedward' and 'Wagner' acts. Yea we had Frankie, but you couldn't laugh at him, and although Kitty and Johnny put on a good show, they also both had a reasonable amount of talent.
Even with a drop in ratings it's still the most watched TV show and would be a HUGE miss even to those complaining!! I read an article today saying the final had more viewers than The Royal Wedding, THE ROYAL WEDDING!!! Watched by every man woman cat dog fish and every bloody teddy bear! How can they morally spin that into a slating about a big drop in viewers for the final, I just can't comprehend it!! It's the same story with the sales figures for Cannonball, reported as the fastest selling single this year, got straight to number 1, yet all the press can do is slate it for not selling as well as previous years, its very contradictory. To me that says more about single sales in general than anything else. This year The X Factor has taken a lot of unnecessary media bashing's, some not so unnecessary as well but still, in general it's just been unfair, and I would love for them to come bouncing back next year! I've gone off track haven't I?? This bit was supposed to be short and just say that this year has been AMAZEBALLS! Dammit I always talk too much!! Swiftly moving on....
Best and worst! Little Mix and Frankie. Nuff said!! Good night....
HA, As if....let's do this!!
I'm not gonna ramble on too much about Little Mix here coz I'm gonna assume you all already know I love them, and I've already rambled on enough in my previous posts, and earlier in this one, I'm rambling again aren't I? DAM!!
First up one of my fave performances, all I'm gonna say is E.T.!! Wow! As a performance that will take a lot to beat. The vocals, the stage set up, the make-up, everything was awesome socks, with a capital AWE!!!
Not forgetting the 'Don't Let Go' performance, OH to the EM GEE! And of course every other song they sang, whoops forgot I wasn't meant to ramble about Little Mix too much, it's just so hard when they were just so fantabulously gorgeously amazingly AWESOME!!! Ok ok I'll talk about some other contestants now, if I must! Pffft.
I have to admit, Marcus had a few show stopping moments early on in the competition, but the best moments besides Little Mix for me personally seemed to always come from Johnny, oh how I loved him! Each week he showed us a different side, but my favourite 2 performances from him were 'I Believe in a thing Called Love' in rock week, he totally nailed that, I am a fan of The Darkness and was actually over the moon when I heard he was singing it, and oh by gosh did he live up to my extremely high expectations. My other favourite of his was 'That old Devil Called Love' Johnny really shone that week, it was a perfect song choice for him and I don't care what anyone else says, I will always have a soft spot for him, for some reason I like to use the word chap when I refer to Johnny haha, he seemed like a lovely chap!
From amazing performances to annoyingly cringeworthy moments, did anyone else want to slap Kitty when she jumped in the pool at judges houses then just laughed awkwardly!!! Argh!! Maybe it was just me but that REALLY annoyed me! To be fair though I'm pretty easily annoyed, BE WARNED!!!! Wow I like exclamation marks don't I?
Another 'punch in the face' annoying moment was Kelly Rowland and her reaction to Craig in floor fillers week 'Who knew you could do up tempo, owwwwwww' every time I see it replayed I want to bite my hand in annoyance. I'm not a big fan of stuff like that as you can probably guess! Needless to say I cringed at quite a few Frankie performances, not all of them though, I want to make that clear. As I've said before, I disagree with the unnecessary character bashing, but hey let's not get into that!
Overall this series has had it's ups and downs like every year, however unlike previous years, It's kept me interested every week.We've had tears, fall-outs, tantrums, judges missing, judges kissing, Dermot dancing, oh my god, DERMOT DANCING!! I'm gonna miss that the most *sobs uncontrollably*!!
Oh the new judges were a shock to the system were't they, but now I kinda love some of them (emphasis on some). Personally I would like to see a small jig around, I have my ideas on who but that's just for my little ol' brainicle! One thing I will shout from the rooftops, only because I already have, is how much I think Tulisa suits the panel, many people were wary but she PUT IT DOWN!!! I would like to see her return, but that's all your getting out of me!! Also a few of the other twists were pretty cruel/cool, like the voting off in the first week, ouch, and the final live at Wembley WHOOOP! I wasn't sure how well that would work if I'm honest but it was ace!
Social media has changed the way I interacted with the show this year, which might be the reason why I've enjoyed it so much more. The power of Twitter is phenomenal, how many times did it overload!!! You don't get none of that during a Strictly episode do you!! Just Saying! And of course blogging, connecting with people from all over the world just by writing what you think and feel, it's been an amazing few month and I'm gutted it's all over, but I promise to start blogging again next year, so long as you promise to read it....It's been an absolute a pleasure. Just want to say a huge thanks to Stephen for his encouragement, guidance and of course for allowing me the pleasure of working with him. Not forgetting the amazing Amy for her support, and editing skills ;-) and of course a HUGE thanks to each and every one of you reading and following this blog, you've been awesome socks, and if I could hug every one of you I would, but I can't, sorry!
Keep in touch @TulisaRoxMySox :-)
Merry XFactormas and Happy New Year to you all! xxx
My weekly views on this years X Factor. Everything mentioned below is my opinion only.
Little Mix!

2011 WINNERS!!
Tuesday, 20 December 2011
Sunday, 11 December 2011
And the WINNER is..........
They made history tonight and rightly so! What an amazing final tonight has been, and so emotional.
I have to say Little Mix were actually the better of the 2 for every performance tonight, Marcus was first and set the bar, yet Little Mix raised it, and smashed it every time. Don't even get me started on the winners song, oh my god how emotional, I'll openly admit I was worried that the song was more suited to Marcus than Little Mix but they absolutely blew it out of the water. I had actual tears, real tears..... I'm not the ice queen afterall! :-D SUCCESS all around!!!
AHHHH MAN I'm actually buzzing right now, I'm so happy for them, they truly deserved it. No girl group has ever made the final, and no group has ever won, what an achievement for them, and for Tulisa, youngest judge ever, and her first year and she goes and bloody wins it, that's how it's done Gary, take notes! hehe!
Silent night was just beautiful, welled up at that song too, and of course they smashed Don't Let Go, even more so than the first time, which by the way was the song they sang the weekend I was there, possibly the reason why they liked it so much, just saying.....!!
Ok ok I need to calm down a bit now and start writing stuff that actually makes sense, SCREW IT!! I'm soooooooo HAPPY!!! I actually got twitter banned twice this weekend because of tweeting too much!! Whatever, as if I talk to much SHUT UP!!!
I'm leaving this post to be all about the winner tonight, rightly so!!! Keep your eyes open for a series review coming to your computer screens very soon!!!!! (hopefully my sentances will actually makes sense and flow properly by then, hmmmm then again maybe not)
Now it's time to check my phone bill..........ooooo this is gonna be painful!!!! Night. Thanks for reading you guys and gals are all amazing and have made this series amazing for me. Best series to date in my opinion, mainly thanks to you reading, and #Twitterguy!!!!!!!!! Muchos Love! xxx
They made history tonight and rightly so! What an amazing final tonight has been, and so emotional.
I have to say Little Mix were actually the better of the 2 for every performance tonight, Marcus was first and set the bar, yet Little Mix raised it, and smashed it every time. Don't even get me started on the winners song, oh my god how emotional, I'll openly admit I was worried that the song was more suited to Marcus than Little Mix but they absolutely blew it out of the water. I had actual tears, real tears..... I'm not the ice queen afterall! :-D SUCCESS all around!!!
AHHHH MAN I'm actually buzzing right now, I'm so happy for them, they truly deserved it. No girl group has ever made the final, and no group has ever won, what an achievement for them, and for Tulisa, youngest judge ever, and her first year and she goes and bloody wins it, that's how it's done Gary, take notes! hehe!
Silent night was just beautiful, welled up at that song too, and of course they smashed Don't Let Go, even more so than the first time, which by the way was the song they sang the weekend I was there, possibly the reason why they liked it so much, just saying.....!!
Ok ok I need to calm down a bit now and start writing stuff that actually makes sense, SCREW IT!! I'm soooooooo HAPPY!!! I actually got twitter banned twice this weekend because of tweeting too much!! Whatever, as if I talk to much SHUT UP!!!
I'm leaving this post to be all about the winner tonight, rightly so!!! Keep your eyes open for a series review coming to your computer screens very soon!!!!! (hopefully my sentances will actually makes sense and flow properly by then, hmmmm then again maybe not)
Now it's time to check my phone bill..........ooooo this is gonna be painful!!!! Night. Thanks for reading you guys and gals are all amazing and have made this series amazing for me. Best series to date in my opinion, mainly thanks to you reading, and #Twitterguy!!!!!!!!! Muchos Love! xxx
Saturday, 10 December 2011
And then there were 2....
Tonight has been both amazing and shocking in equal amounts. For those who haven't actually watched tonight's episode then you may want to avert your eyes for the next paragraph...
Just want to start by saying a huge WELL DONE to Amelia Lily, although she got voted off, she has amazing talent and will go far. Based on her performance tonight alone she didn't deserve to go home but overall I think it was probably her time.
Ok lets have a quick discussion on the performances, and unfortunately I won't be nicey nicey like the judges are on final weekend :-) SORRY!
First up Marcus, his first performance was just wrong, it didn't suit him at all, totally wrong song for him for the final. I was expecting so much more, but saying that, at least nobody can ever accuse him of playing it safe, he definitely tries a bit of everything, and isn't scared too. His 2nd performance, duet with Gary, was much better vocally, they both suited the song well. Personally I found it boring but vocally it was very good, he pulled it back a bit.
Little Mix were up next, and as always I speak honestly regardless of personal feelings. I can honestly say I thought they smashed it TOTALLY! First song was awesome, vocally top class, and a really good song choice for them. Then came their duet with Tulisa, and quite a few people have been doubting Tulisa's vocal abilities, well doubt no longer, that girl can SING! And yet again the song choice was awesome, really REALLY loved it! (yes lots of capitals tonight, I'm THAT excited)
Finally we had Amelia singing Christina Aguilera, much better than she has previously. She really brought it to the final - as Kelly would say! Eugh! Maybe a little shouty in parts, but I've actually trained myself to get past that, it's obviously just part of Amelia's style. Shame I just got used to it and she's gone home, oh well hashtag moving on! Her second performance with Kelly was a bit hmmmmm for me, good song choice, but anyone following that performance from Tulisa and Little Mix were going to struggle :-) tee hee I'm naughty!
So that was the 1st instalment of the final. And I have to say, I was a bit worried about it being at Wembley Arena, I'm not a fan of change! Proper old biddy you know, but it really worked, the stage was awesome, and I bet the atmosphere was intense.
Really don't know which way the final is going to go, obviously I know who I want to win, but I think both are talented and will have a big future ahead of them. The winners single is usually a good deciding factor so I'm looking forward to hearing them both perform their versions.
BRING ON THE FINAL!!!!! KEEP VOTING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
PS - of course I didn't sell my tickets to see The Saturdays tonight just so I could stay in and watch the show live, because that would be RIDICULOUS!!! GEEK!!!! *looks around shiftily*
Just want to start by saying a huge WELL DONE to Amelia Lily, although she got voted off, she has amazing talent and will go far. Based on her performance tonight alone she didn't deserve to go home but overall I think it was probably her time.
Ok lets have a quick discussion on the performances, and unfortunately I won't be nicey nicey like the judges are on final weekend :-) SORRY!
First up Marcus, his first performance was just wrong, it didn't suit him at all, totally wrong song for him for the final. I was expecting so much more, but saying that, at least nobody can ever accuse him of playing it safe, he definitely tries a bit of everything, and isn't scared too. His 2nd performance, duet with Gary, was much better vocally, they both suited the song well. Personally I found it boring but vocally it was very good, he pulled it back a bit.
Little Mix were up next, and as always I speak honestly regardless of personal feelings. I can honestly say I thought they smashed it TOTALLY! First song was awesome, vocally top class, and a really good song choice for them. Then came their duet with Tulisa, and quite a few people have been doubting Tulisa's vocal abilities, well doubt no longer, that girl can SING! And yet again the song choice was awesome, really REALLY loved it! (yes lots of capitals tonight, I'm THAT excited)
Finally we had Amelia singing Christina Aguilera, much better than she has previously. She really brought it to the final - as Kelly would say! Eugh! Maybe a little shouty in parts, but I've actually trained myself to get past that, it's obviously just part of Amelia's style. Shame I just got used to it and she's gone home, oh well hashtag moving on! Her second performance with Kelly was a bit hmmmmm for me, good song choice, but anyone following that performance from Tulisa and Little Mix were going to struggle :-) tee hee I'm naughty!
So that was the 1st instalment of the final. And I have to say, I was a bit worried about it being at Wembley Arena, I'm not a fan of change! Proper old biddy you know, but it really worked, the stage was awesome, and I bet the atmosphere was intense.
Really don't know which way the final is going to go, obviously I know who I want to win, but I think both are talented and will have a big future ahead of them. The winners single is usually a good deciding factor so I'm looking forward to hearing them both perform their versions.
BRING ON THE FINAL!!!!! KEEP VOTING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
PS - of course I didn't sell my tickets to see The Saturdays tonight just so I could stay in and watch the show live, because that would be RIDICULOUS!!! GEEK!!!! *looks around shiftily*
Sunday, 4 December 2011
Seriously, this is RIDICULOUS!
This show does something to me that is just plain RIDICULOUS! From 8pm I'm an emotional wreck, can't eat, drink, sit still and quite frankly I'm a sweaty mess! Why do we get so emotionally attached, it's strange what a show like this can do to you! Freaky!
PS - OMG I can't actually believe that my next post will be about the winner of X Factor 2011! How quick has that gone! SCARY dot com!
Anyway, I'm gonna mix things up a bit and write what I would've wrote if it was Little Mix going home....ARGH ITS A FIX I'M NEVER WATCHING EVER AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GOODNIGHT!!!!!!!!!!
Teehee of course I'm just kidding around, I'm a big kidder you know!
Need to get serious now, yes I am over the moon for the acts that go through to the final, no favouritism from me, don't get any of that around here.....*looks around shiftily*......Anyway, I did predict Misha would go in my last post, however that doesn't mean it's ok to gloat about it, at the end of the day Misha was talented, even if she wasn't everyone's cup of tea, and she is probably devastated right now. I'm sure it won't be the last we hear of her.
So ladies and gents, the final is approaching, and what a bloody final it's going to be, 3 of the most talented finalists in history in my opinion, it's genuinely going to be a fabulous show. I think people are a bit complacent this year and are forgetting how talented these guys are. If you think back realistically then the final always has a pretty clear winner and usually an obvious 'not the best singer' act, but this year they are all so talented and I don't think there's a clear winner. It's going to be a tough call, so if you have a favourite then make sure you vote....SEE YOU AT WEMBLEY!!!! (not literally, unless I rename my house by next Saturday, and you happen to pop around)
So ladies and gents, the final is approaching, and what a bloody final it's going to be, 3 of the most talented finalists in history in my opinion, it's genuinely going to be a fabulous show. I think people are a bit complacent this year and are forgetting how talented these guys are. If you think back realistically then the final always has a pretty clear winner and usually an obvious 'not the best singer' act, but this year they are all so talented and I don't think there's a clear winner. It's going to be a tough call, so if you have a favourite then make sure you vote....SEE YOU AT WEMBLEY!!!! (not literally, unless I rename my house by next Saturday, and you happen to pop around)
PS - OMG I can't actually believe that my next post will be about the winner of X Factor 2011! How quick has that gone! SCARY dot com!
Saturday, 3 December 2011
Semi Final, Full Throttle
Part of me is absolutely gutted that we now only have 1 show left to enjoy/hate/scream/cry and just LOVE, but part of me is also quite looking forward to getting my Saturday nights back...hmmm maybe....we'll see!
Now tonight has had me seriously stressed out on more than one occasion, and also Angry! This week more at the judges than the contestants, although some of the performances made me slightly mad too! Let's discuss...
Misha B - As you all well know I'm not a Misha fan, but I am always honest, if I like a performance I will always say so, same if I don't, and this week again, I didn't. I don't like Misha's voice, that is my honest opinion. She puts on a good performance, and definitely has the confidence and star quality, but vocally she just isn't my cup of tea. Quick comments on her performances, firstly I can't enjoy a Motown song with 'B'rrrap' thrown in the middle, personal preference *shudders at the mental replay* although I do appreciate she was trying to make it her own *shudders again*! Secondly P!NK is a legend and 'Perfect' is one of my favourite songs, so to me, only P!NK can sing that how it's meant to be sung, make of that as you will...
Don't agree with Gary's comments at all, what happened in the past should stay in the past, as the judges keep saying, yet he decides now is the time to bring that back up, low blow in my opinion, which although may have been intended to get more people behind her, may just highlight the reasons why people didn't vote in the first place. Tut tut Mr Barlow. Moving on...
Amelia - I really like Amelia, she seems lovely. I don't always like her performances though. Tonight her first performance was the best of round 1. She seemed to tone it down a bit so we got to hear more of her stripped back voice, rather than her shouty 'hitting the high notes' voice. Really enjoyed it. Having said that I wasn't keen on her second performance, when she started, I got goosebumps and really thought this was going to be amazing, but then came the shouting and I just got angry, so disappointed! She is so talented and I do love her times!
Little Mix - needless to say, I do love a little bit of Little Mix. But like I said earlier, regardless of personal feelings, I will always be honest. So here goes. Little Mix NAILED both performances, they didn't mess up at all.....sugar plums I told a fib......dam you honesty! Lets try that again, ok have to be honest, first performance wasn't their best, Leighann did mess up which made me soooooooo gutted for her! She did pull it back really well though, but I'd be a hypocrite to say it's ok to mess your lines up this far into the competition. Generally I enjoyed their performance but it was weaker than usual. HOWEVER, their second performance was fabulous, I'll admit I was worried at the beginning, thought it started shaky, but when they got into it I honestly loved it. Perrie totally nailed it, but not just her, they all came together beautifully!
Again Mr Barlow was bang out of order, Jade done a fab job taking on the lead vocals, yes Perrie is awesome, but there's no need to take Jade's moment away from her. Not Cool! AND with 4 girls as talented as these, you don't necessarily need a lead singer, the others are too good to be just backing singers.
Marcus - now this is a strange one for me. I loved Marcus in the beginning, I thought he was amazingly talented but seemed to be hidden by other artists, I think that's why I liked him so much, he outshone those that you expected to steal the show. However now he seems to have lost that spark for me, I find him boring and predictable. As soon as I heard it was Motown week I knew Marcus would be in his element and would nail it, which he did, but he didn't wow me at all. It was boring, vocally flawless, but boring. He lacks the shock factor with me, and I no longer get excited to see what he's performing. Shame. His second performance wasn't much better either. One thing I will say for him though, he has amazing energy and spirit, and I loved the fact he never complained or played the sympathy card (excluding Xtra Factor) about his throat infection. He got on with it like a trooper, maybe he should have complained, then people would understand why his second performance sounded pitchy and quite awful in parts, but he didn't, and for that I applaud him. Others in the comp, not naming names, would have played on that immensely!
My thoughts on next week's finalists: Well despite my comments above, I would love to see Marcus in the final, like I said he is vocally flawless at times, and regardless of wow factor, he deserves a place in the final, just to try one last time to shock us, really pull it out of the bag. Also Little Mix, in my opinion those girls have improved the most yet at the same time remained themselves, level headed, they bring something fresh to the competition and it would be amazing to see them in the final. And lastly I would like to see Amelia Lily, she shouldn't have gone in week one, and people say she shouldn't win because she was out for so long, well that wasn't her fault, public didn't vote her off, her vocals can be amazing with the right songs, she deserves her place in the competition and has worked hard for it, would love to see her go through.
Obviously that leaves us with Misha B, as i've stressed 47 million time, this is just my opinion, but it doesn't mean I think Misha deserves to go home. As an artist I don't get her, and out of the remaining 4, she is my least favourite. But there's millions of other voting opinions out there so we shall see in less that 24 hours.
Hopefully in those 24 hours Gary will have had a spa visit, plenty of sleep and will be in a better mood, at the minute he's getting on my nerves! Cheer up Gary! Also think Tulisa needs to see someone about her hand, and possible someone may need to take a look at the judges desk, by heck I wouldn't like a fight with her! :-D
OOOOOOooooo almost forgot! Dermot Dancing was amazing tonight, shake that bum Dermot, awwwww I'm gonna miss those moves!
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