Little Mix!

Little Mix!
2011 WINNERS!!

Monday, 21 November 2011

Up close and personal! WOW

Now this weekend, for those of you that follow this blog, I've not reviewed anyone yet, or given any predictions, or pretty much said anything about The X Factor all weekend, fear not little X Factor minions, it's not through lack of interest or boredom, the exact opposite in fact. This weekend I got the amazing opportunity of actually going backstage and working with Twitter Guy, yea that's right THE #twitterguy (hash tag and everything) I got to see how everything works, rehearsals, I got to meet the contestants and get a real feel for the atmosphere and the buzz around it all. As a huge fan of the show you can imagine I was extremely honoured to be there and pretty much walked round with mouth wide open and glazed eyes all the time! I will review the show properly tomorrow just wanted to give you guys a quick behind the scenes up date!

Firstly I can't tell you certain things like behind the make up Little Mix are actually Jedward, and Twitter guy is actually Pamela Anderson (both of which are completely fabricated and are clearly untrue in every way possible) but what I can tell you is that the backstage team are all really amazing people that seems to be a huge family of complete nutters in the nicest sense. The contestants are all amazing, really genuine and down to earth, I never saw any bad feeling between anyone, and I was around during the most tense times. And dam they can sing, all of them, even those I wasn't 100% on previously, like Janet, her vocals in rehearsals were bang on. I got goosebumps pretty much all day long, and I was lucky enough to catch a random sing along in the corridor with Mischa, Little Mix and Amelia not long before the results show, AH-MAY-ZING!
Being back stage really makes you appreciate how much hard word goes into a show as big as this, they really don't stop, it's pretty much constant all day. At home it's like 'yea they sing a few songs and send one home, big deal' but seriously from now I will be watching with a completely different attitude. I've had such an amazing time and can't wait to actually watch the show back, post my reviews and post some pics!

Just a quick word on Craig, his sing off song was 'hairs on back of the neck' material, he really nailed it. Total shock to see him in the bottom 2, and from my experience alone I think he will be hugely missed back stage. Genuinely lovely guy with such an amazing voice!

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