Little Mix!

Little Mix!
2011 WINNERS!!

Monday, 21 November 2011

Fan Girl MANIA!!! Yes I was a geek!

Right, so unless this is literally your first time reading my blog - HELLO, WELCOME, where you been?? Then you will have heard that I got an amazing opportunity to go backstage and see how it all goes down, and well it all goes down PRETTY DAM AMAZINGLY!! Needless to say I was honoured to be there and tried my best to be cool calm and collected, though it probably didn't show, HA - Geek alert!

Ok so for those of you interested, I'm gonna give you the low down of my trip, as much as I can without getting my head chopped off *looks around for man with axe* looks like the coast is clear, phew! Where should I start, hmm well on Thursday night we packed and g........what? Too early, ahh I see, you want just X Factor related information, ok, not interested in my life huh, I get it. Pffft! :-P
The excitement started before I even met up with #twitterguy, and it was totally unplanned. Just happened to be walking past the studios scoping the area and saw all the contestants pull in, impeccable timing huh! Anyway I then went to meet the Legend behind twitter, and I must confess it was like meeting the superhero under the mask. Exactly like you hoped it would be FAB-U-LOUS! As was the entrance to the studios, past the paps and fans straight through, coooooooool!
Fast forward through the studio tour, and general introductions, to casually sitting in on Little Mix rehearsing, wowzers, yea I used that word, and I probably said it out loud too! Rightly so. Hearing them on the show at home is one thing, but hearing them right in front of you is another. Words can't describe it.
Not long after this TwitterGuy offered me the chance to sit in on the dress rehearsal for the live show, and I got to sit in the front row, which never happens! Haha! As I'm writing this I can't help but think it doesn't sound a smidge as exciting as it was at the time, seriously, to the average Joe like me, sitting in on a dress rehearsal and taking pics for #twitterguy was an experience and a half, and a privilege might I add! So any lack of enthusiasm here is sooooooo not intentional, read every word with a high pitched excited voice please! :-) So yea, the dress rehearsal was exactly like the live show except I didn't have tickets to the live show, so wouldn't be in a nice comfy seat, chatting to the camera guy - who by the way thought I was part of the media team, oh yea, clearly I blend in well.....! Seeing all the contestants perform right there in front of you is just mind blowing, you don't appreciate how hard they work and how well they sing when your sat at home on your settee, respect!
The rest of the day was pretty much filled with production room mania, seeing how #twitterguy controls everything, selecting TXFSigns and trying, not always successfully might I add, to retrieve them - this is a great time to point out to all those trying for TXFSigns, please please please understand how hard it is, I never realised how difficult it is for Twitterguy to actually get them, he works his butt off to try and keep everyone happy but unfortunately there's 600k followers, about 400 millions requests per minute (this may be exaggerated) and only 5 contestants now. Maths just doesn't stack up.

In between collecting TXFSigns I cheekily managed to get a few personal snaps from the finalists: Marcus, looking very handsome as always. Not forgetting the enviable beauty of Miss Amelia Lily.....

During my time running around helping Twitterguy (and I use the term 'helping' VERY loosely), I managed to come across some amazingly lovely people, firstly I met the man you may know as X Factor voice over guy - Peter Dickson, really top bloke, had a nice chat. Next up we bumped into Ian Royce, always up for a giggle. Saw the ever beautiful Caroline and Olly a few times and amongst all these wonderful faces I bumped into this chap, not sure if you know him......

Now you would think meeting all those famous people would be enough for one weekend, well it was, but luckily for me it didn't end there! I can see the shock on your faces, and the whispers between you all.....who possibly could I have met! Well let me tell you now, the legendary #twitterguy some how - powers are unbeknown to all - managed to make this happen............are you ready, it's a good one........seriously I'm not playing around, it's HUGE, you can even see the stress/sheer amazement on my face.....ready.....BOOM!
Meeting Tulisa was the highlight that I never expected, I still can't believe it happened if I'm honest - but it did and I've got proof WHOOP! Luckily I managed to stay calm and not say anything too ridiculous, although I do vaguely remember muttering the words I love you at one point.....oh dear! Fangirl Geek moment! She was lovely though! So was Gareth! (Tulisa's PA for those of you who aren't a Tulisa geek like me!)

Although meeting all these amazing stars of the show, the biggest shout outs and thank you's have to go to the people that made me feel welcome and let this happen - Steve, you are amazing! Not forgetting Olivia, Emma, Lucy and Dave who were all very professional but absolutely lovely with a total stranger dropping in for the day! Thanks for making this weekend beyond amazing!


  1. OMGGG That picture with Little MIXXXXXXXX!!
    I'm so jealous, I love them so much and this blog too.I like ur blog.Good Job <3<3

  2. Tell me about it - amazing opportunity! Loved every minute! thanks for reading and commenting!

  3. Oh I am so, so happy for you - what an incredible experience - you deserve it! And yes, Steve is a total genius x

  4. there are no words for the awesomeness of this all...*stunned into silence of wonder* freakin amaze!! you also need to trademark TulisaGeeks (I'm in!!) YAAY!
