Big surprises tonight!
Let's keep it short and sweet tonight, need to get back to hiding behind the blinds to scare the bejesus out of trick or treaters!!
After last night I predicted it would be between Sophie and Kitty, well I got Sophie right, didn't expect Mischa B though, not because I think she was amazing or anything, I just assumed she would have a big fan base! I refuse to jump on the 'Its Tulisa's fault' band wagon. If people wanted Mischa in the competition so bad then they should have voted! If anyone is to blame its the numbtees voting for Frankie!!! No one is safe so you can only shout if you voted!
Pfft rant over! Any way back to the sing off, and as much as I would've preferred to see Sophie next week, Mischa B was better vocally and the judges had no choice but to be honest and save her! Including Kelly! It was the right choice, as wrong as it seemed to some! Good Luck Sophie!
According to Kelly, she'll be back next week. Fingers crossed the frostiness is left in LA, if not bring back Alex! Loved her!
Looking forward to Club Classics next week, that will be interesting for a few contestants, not sure if they'll get away with turning a club song into a ballad!!!
Oooooh seem in a fettle tonight don't I??? Must be Halloween bringing out the evil within me!!!
My weekly views on this years X Factor. Everything mentioned below is my opinion only.
Little Mix!

2011 WINNERS!!
Sunday, 30 October 2011
The Live Shows Have LANDED!!!!
You have to be honest and admit that the first few weeks of the live shows this year haven't been as explosive as expected, I was so revved up after the auditions, bootcamp and the judges houses especially with the new judges and the amazing talent, but for some reason the contestants haven't wowed me as much as I would have liked. However tonight, finally everyone upped their game, best live show by far, a few acts turned a corner tonight! What a belter of a show, and sorry to say it but I didn't miss Kelly. Alexandra was fabulous, a welcome addition to the panel, one I hope to see again next week ;-) HINT!
Ooo oo oo one last thing I have to add!!! Dermot's entrance tonight!!! WOW he knows how to make me smile!!! Can't wait to see how he opens the show next week! YEY!
My opinions have changed a lot from the first stages to now, even more so after tonight, let me explain....
Tonight I'm starting with the NAY Category, just to mix things up a bit...
No prizes for guessing the winner of this category is Frankie, I'm starting to dislike almost everything about him, his hair, trousers, voice and even more so his attitude. He basically talks/shouts through his songs, I can do that! It's a shame if he stays and other more talented people leave. Should I stay or Should I go...... GO!
Joining him we've got Sophie, she's one of my changed opinions, lovely girl and at Judges houses I was totally wowed by her, now I find her a bit boring. I think it may be to do with other contestants blowing me away on the stage.
Next up is the Hmmm contestants.
Firstly is Mischa B, now if I was basing this on her dancers then she would be in the YAY category, they were fabulous weren't they! However I'm not. Now we all know Mischa can sing, without a doubt, but for me tonight her performance lacked ooomph, I wasn't keen on the rap either, sometimes it's great but tonight it just didn't do anything for me!
The next 2 are Craig and Janet, now I absolutely loved both of them from day one, but now they've become predictable and I don't get excited listening to them anymore, I hope they both get through next week and really shock me with something totally out of the blue. Bring back the hairs on the back of my neck!
Then we've got the YAY category, which this week is busting at the seams!
In a normal week, The Risk would've ended up in the Hmmm category with tonight's performance, it was far from perfect and the song was a bit risky, but the fact they were a man down on Thursday then Ashford stepped in on Friday and they still came out and delivered a fairly polished performance deserves a spot in this category! Well done guys!
Oh Johnny, you star! You did it again! No gimmicks, no tinfoil outfit, just him and a piano. If I could've I would've got up on stage and hugged you as well! Finally proved you aren't just the fun factor, you have an amazing voice! Loved it.
Kitty next, regardless what people think of her, you CANNOT deny that performance was original and inventive, she sang pretty dam good as well and you can tell she put her all into it. I genuinely look forward to what she is going to do next and that what it's all about.
Lastly we've got Marcus, the only thing I didn't like about his performance tonight was that cane he was carrying everywhere, WHAT. No idea what that was in aid of. Regardless of that though he was ace, he has become one of my new favourites, and the beginning I kind of didn't notice him, but by heck now I do! Go Marcus!!
Now I can hear the confusion among you, 2 in NAY, 3 in Hmmm and 4 in YAY, that doesn't add up considering there's 10 contestants left! I have a sneaky new category I've been hiding from you, no one has been worthy of it until tonight, drum roll please.........are you ready.........wait for it...........a little longer.........ok I think your ready......
The WOW category!!!
And tonight the newly named Little Mix really WOWed me! Loved that performance, you girls owned it tonight! I've always supported Rhythmix/Little Mix because of the personalities and the talent, but tonight they turned a corner for me. They really came together, the performance was that of a guest group on a Sunday. You girls really set the bar high tonight and certainly have a lot to live up to for next week! PS Jesy ignore the haters, you are beautiful inside and out! Your fans love you as you are because you are real!
So as Alex would say, I think that sums everything up! Sunday will be interesting. Based on performances the bottom 2 should be Frankie and Sophie, but I have a feeling it may be Sophie and Kitty. We shall see......
Ooo oo oo one last thing I have to add!!! Dermot's entrance tonight!!! WOW he knows how to make me smile!!! Can't wait to see how he opens the show next week! YEY!
Sunday, 23 October 2011
I can hear the haters now.....FIX!!
Which of course is rubbish!
For those of you that don't work your life around The X Factor like me, and actually have a social life, then let me bring you up to date on tonight's results show, in a nice, easy, quick fashion. Frankie stayed, boo, and Sami left. Give or take a few awkward moments and some fabulous guest appearances, that pretty much sums it up.
For you die hard fans, here is a more in depth review on tonight's proceedings.
I have to say Kelly Clarkson, Bruno Mars, Professor Green and Emeli Sande were all fabulous tonight, true stars on stage. I missed the group performance though, was really hoping for a proper rock song from them, like Sound of the Underground or Flying without wings, tee hee little joke for you there, did you like it??
Then came the results, uh oh, and all the way through I couldn't decide who would be joining Frankie in the sing off, so you can imagine my face when Dermot announced the next act through to be Frankie, let me tell you now it wasn't a pretty sight! Nor were the obscenities coming from my mouth, almost as bad as Frankie's, although I wasn't live on air at the time, naughty boy!
If I'm honest I'm not hugely surprised it came down to Kitty and Sami in the end, I had hoped it wouldn't be those 2 because they didn't deserve it, but they would probably have been in the last few I would've picked up the phone and voted for. The sing off was amazing tonight, Sami was flawless, Kitty was just ok, she did have some great moments, but overall Sami was the better of the 2. It was clear before they sang that Gary would save Kitty, and no surprises from Kelly and Tulisa, Louis however, now he surprised me, I thought he would've played it safe and go to deadlock, but he didn't he stood by Kitty and sent home Sami. As much as I disagree with the outcome, I have to give Louis respect for doing that. Goodbye Sami, don't give up as you have amazing talent!
I have to mention the clear tension (ooo I rhymed! yey) between the judges tonight, firstly the Judges entrance and the lack of hand holding between Kelly and Tulisa, ouch, then the clear frostiness between the girls at the desk. I have to be honest, I disagree with it - everyone is entitled to their opinion and people should respect that, yes I agree certain things should be held back, but I think it's now time to move on. Life is too short to hold grudges - people need to hold hands and dance naked in a corn field, wouldn't that be swell!
Ok, on a brighter note I have a lovely clean bed I need to climb into - now correct me if I'm wrong, but doing bed angels in a freshly changed bed is just the best thing in the world, no? I think so!!! See you next week!
For those of you that don't work your life around The X Factor like me, and actually have a social life, then let me bring you up to date on tonight's results show, in a nice, easy, quick fashion. Frankie stayed, boo, and Sami left. Give or take a few awkward moments and some fabulous guest appearances, that pretty much sums it up.
For you die hard fans, here is a more in depth review on tonight's proceedings.
I have to say Kelly Clarkson, Bruno Mars, Professor Green and Emeli Sande were all fabulous tonight, true stars on stage. I missed the group performance though, was really hoping for a proper rock song from them, like Sound of the Underground or Flying without wings, tee hee little joke for you there, did you like it??
Then came the results, uh oh, and all the way through I couldn't decide who would be joining Frankie in the sing off, so you can imagine my face when Dermot announced the next act through to be Frankie, let me tell you now it wasn't a pretty sight! Nor were the obscenities coming from my mouth, almost as bad as Frankie's, although I wasn't live on air at the time, naughty boy!
If I'm honest I'm not hugely surprised it came down to Kitty and Sami in the end, I had hoped it wouldn't be those 2 because they didn't deserve it, but they would probably have been in the last few I would've picked up the phone and voted for. The sing off was amazing tonight, Sami was flawless, Kitty was just ok, she did have some great moments, but overall Sami was the better of the 2. It was clear before they sang that Gary would save Kitty, and no surprises from Kelly and Tulisa, Louis however, now he surprised me, I thought he would've played it safe and go to deadlock, but he didn't he stood by Kitty and sent home Sami. As much as I disagree with the outcome, I have to give Louis respect for doing that. Goodbye Sami, don't give up as you have amazing talent!
I have to mention the clear tension (ooo I rhymed! yey) between the judges tonight, firstly the Judges entrance and the lack of hand holding between Kelly and Tulisa, ouch, then the clear frostiness between the girls at the desk. I have to be honest, I disagree with it - everyone is entitled to their opinion and people should respect that, yes I agree certain things should be held back, but I think it's now time to move on. Life is too short to hold grudges - people need to hold hands and dance naked in a corn field, wouldn't that be swell!
Ok, on a brighter note I have a lovely clean bed I need to climb into - now correct me if I'm wrong, but doing bed angels in a freshly changed bed is just the best thing in the world, no? I think so!!! See you next week!
The X Factor, Controversial, WHAT!! NEVER!!
I bet Simon isn't complaining now....
Let's start with the YAY's - now this category originally only had 2 acts in, but after more reviewing I managed to squeeze in another 2, it was borderline though. This is based solely on tonight's performance, nothing else. Ok.
The biggest YAY goes to the act that stole the show for me, the fabulous, amazing Johnny Robinson! He has stole my heart and I just love everything about him, the song tonight was made for him! He more than nailed it, he hammered it into a wall and hung a picture on it!! I could kiss him he makes me that happy! Ahem, need to get a grip now...
Next we've got the amazing Marcus, he opened the show with a bang, and not only did he sound awesome, he also looked awesome, so comfortable and happy on stage, another perfect song choice.
Ok so the next 2 in the YAY category only just made it and strangely both for the same reason. Craig and Mischa, now before you start shouting abuse at me, hear me out. Both seemed to have the same problem, started really shaky and out of tune in parts, well that's how it sounded to me, however midway through both of them seemed to pick up and then started to really smash the bigger parts of the songs. Luckily the finale of the song nudged them up from Hmmm to YAY, only just though.
Next up the Hmmm category. Now don't assume acts in this category weren't very good, because that's not the case, it's just that they didn't wow me like I'd hoped. And this week quite a few failed to WOW me....
First up, Janet, now vocally I think she is amazing, and she sang Sweet Child of Mine beautiful tonight, however I got bored, I was waiting for something and it didn't come, not sure what but I know I didn't get it.
Rhythmix, I owe you an apology, it's my fault you didn't wow me this week, I expected too much from you. After last week I was buzzing about this group and just wanted bigger and better however I think my expectations were a bit too high therefore I felt disappointed. Still vocally amazing, just not as good as last week for me. Same with The Risk, good effort but I preferred last week, still want to see more of them though.
Next up Kitty - can't stress how much I love to see people play and sing so the piano at the beginning won me over, however the vocals weren't all that. Overall I think she performed the song well, a proper rock song might I add, with flames and everything! She just hasn't quite crossed the barrier from quite good, to fabulous.
Lastly we have the NAY category, one of the acts I think should just live in this category! The other 2 don't deserve to be in it generally, but I just didn't like tonight's performance. Surprise surprise, we've got Frankie.... no shocked faces I see. To be fair to him, tonight he definitely looked the part, and had the right attitude/stage presence however vocally it was like listening to someone in my local pub, it just didn't sound very good at all, albeit that song isn't exactly a sit on a stool and sing your heart out kind of song but still. Not up to the standards of the other contestants at all.
Therefore if you hadn't guessed already, the last 2 contestants in this category are Sami and Sophie. Both of which generally have amazing voices, but tonight I just wasn't keen on their performances. For me Sami was very karaoke, which you could tell she knew herself, total wrong song for her - put your foot down next week, don't let Louis ruin you Sami! And Sophie, I think this was more the song than Sophie, I love Bonjovi singing Living on a Prayer acoustically therefore immediately compared him with Sophie which is wrong of me, however I couldn't help it. I also found it quite boring.
Not sure what was put in the Judges drinks tonight but they all seemed very much on edge, what with the song choices either not being rock enough, or the backstage Mischa drama. Maybe some of the comments tonight should have been curbed however if Simon asked for more drama on air, then he definitely can't complain after tonight, the claws were well and truly out, and I for one LOVED IT!!
My predictions for tomorrow, as Lemar once said, If there's any justice in this world, then Frankie will be sent home. I don't think it would be fair on any of the other acts if that isn't the outcome, but hey, who knows! We shall see......
Wow, my mind is still racing with what I want to write and where to start, sheesh kebab! We've had everything tonight, rock songs turned into pop songs, pop songs turned into rock songs, high fives, low blows, arguments, superstars and karaoke stars. How do you begin reviewing something as explosive as tonight, here's how - FANBLOODYTASTIC!!!!!! You gotta love a bit of drama on a Saturday night, I told you it gets boring when everyone likes everyone, tonight is where the fun started! Even Gary was brutally honest to his own act, quote 'You deserved to be in the bottom 2 last week Frankie' - BINGO. Ok lets get back on track and discuss the talent, or lack of it in certain cases, same method as last week, I will categorise as 'YAY' 'NAY' or 'Hmmm' let the brutally honest'ness commence....
Let's start with the YAY's - now this category originally only had 2 acts in, but after more reviewing I managed to squeeze in another 2, it was borderline though. This is based solely on tonight's performance, nothing else. Ok.
The biggest YAY goes to the act that stole the show for me, the fabulous, amazing Johnny Robinson! He has stole my heart and I just love everything about him, the song tonight was made for him! He more than nailed it, he hammered it into a wall and hung a picture on it!! I could kiss him he makes me that happy! Ahem, need to get a grip now...
Next we've got the amazing Marcus, he opened the show with a bang, and not only did he sound awesome, he also looked awesome, so comfortable and happy on stage, another perfect song choice.
Ok so the next 2 in the YAY category only just made it and strangely both for the same reason. Craig and Mischa, now before you start shouting abuse at me, hear me out. Both seemed to have the same problem, started really shaky and out of tune in parts, well that's how it sounded to me, however midway through both of them seemed to pick up and then started to really smash the bigger parts of the songs. Luckily the finale of the song nudged them up from Hmmm to YAY, only just though.
Next up the Hmmm category. Now don't assume acts in this category weren't very good, because that's not the case, it's just that they didn't wow me like I'd hoped. And this week quite a few failed to WOW me....
First up, Janet, now vocally I think she is amazing, and she sang Sweet Child of Mine beautiful tonight, however I got bored, I was waiting for something and it didn't come, not sure what but I know I didn't get it.
Rhythmix, I owe you an apology, it's my fault you didn't wow me this week, I expected too much from you. After last week I was buzzing about this group and just wanted bigger and better however I think my expectations were a bit too high therefore I felt disappointed. Still vocally amazing, just not as good as last week for me. Same with The Risk, good effort but I preferred last week, still want to see more of them though.
Next up Kitty - can't stress how much I love to see people play and sing so the piano at the beginning won me over, however the vocals weren't all that. Overall I think she performed the song well, a proper rock song might I add, with flames and everything! She just hasn't quite crossed the barrier from quite good, to fabulous.
Lastly we have the NAY category, one of the acts I think should just live in this category! The other 2 don't deserve to be in it generally, but I just didn't like tonight's performance. Surprise surprise, we've got Frankie.... no shocked faces I see. To be fair to him, tonight he definitely looked the part, and had the right attitude/stage presence however vocally it was like listening to someone in my local pub, it just didn't sound very good at all, albeit that song isn't exactly a sit on a stool and sing your heart out kind of song but still. Not up to the standards of the other contestants at all.
Therefore if you hadn't guessed already, the last 2 contestants in this category are Sami and Sophie. Both of which generally have amazing voices, but tonight I just wasn't keen on their performances. For me Sami was very karaoke, which you could tell she knew herself, total wrong song for her - put your foot down next week, don't let Louis ruin you Sami! And Sophie, I think this was more the song than Sophie, I love Bonjovi singing Living on a Prayer acoustically therefore immediately compared him with Sophie which is wrong of me, however I couldn't help it. I also found it quite boring.
Not sure what was put in the Judges drinks tonight but they all seemed very much on edge, what with the song choices either not being rock enough, or the backstage Mischa drama. Maybe some of the comments tonight should have been curbed however if Simon asked for more drama on air, then he definitely can't complain after tonight, the claws were well and truly out, and I for one LOVED IT!!
My predictions for tomorrow, as Lemar once said, If there's any justice in this world, then Frankie will be sent home. I don't think it would be fair on any of the other acts if that isn't the outcome, but hey, who knows! We shall see......
Sunday, 16 October 2011
The Vote Off!!
Erm, now I know the point of a blog is to write what you think, however my folks always taught me that if I have nothing nice to say then I shouldn't say anything! Soooo, that leaves me pretty much stumped when trying to review the 2 'sing to save' performances.
Now don't get me wrong, the Nu Vibe boys have got talent, individually, but collectively it just flops, I can't understand it, tonight they didn't deliver the kind of performance you would expect to see from a 'bottom 2' act, they should have nailed it! It was their chance to show the public they were wrong and they deserved to be through. I didn't feel it.
Exactly the same with Frankie, his performance sounded painful, and off at parts, like he was struggling with the timing. Everything about tonight was a disaster, apart from Katy Perry of course, she was Totes Amaze!!
Frankie really needs to up his game next week, he didn't prove to me that he earned his place tonight, to me he scraped through by the skin of his teeth. Next week I'd like to see him prove everyone wrong, because right now a lot of people are doubting the judges votes.
On a brighter note, how adorable did Marcus look when he thought he was going to be in the bottom 2, I was almost in tears watching him, he was like a lost little puppy! Bless him!
Chin up Tulisa, you've still got 2 amazingly talented groups who have the potential to go far!!
Looking forward to next Saturday to see what exciting things the judges have in store for us!!
Now don't get me wrong, the Nu Vibe boys have got talent, individually, but collectively it just flops, I can't understand it, tonight they didn't deliver the kind of performance you would expect to see from a 'bottom 2' act, they should have nailed it! It was their chance to show the public they were wrong and they deserved to be through. I didn't feel it.
Exactly the same with Frankie, his performance sounded painful, and off at parts, like he was struggling with the timing. Everything about tonight was a disaster, apart from Katy Perry of course, she was Totes Amaze!!
Frankie really needs to up his game next week, he didn't prove to me that he earned his place tonight, to me he scraped through by the skin of his teeth. Next week I'd like to see him prove everyone wrong, because right now a lot of people are doubting the judges votes.
On a brighter note, how adorable did Marcus look when he thought he was going to be in the bottom 2, I was almost in tears watching him, he was like a lost little puppy! Bless him!
Chin up Tulisa, you've still got 2 amazingly talented groups who have the potential to go far!!
Looking forward to next Saturday to see what exciting things the judges have in store for us!!
Saturday, 15 October 2011
The Year of the Groups!
What a bloooooming fabulous show tonight, I had my home made wedges and some nice chicken nuggets fresh out of the oven with a nice glass of cider to wash them down, I was ready for it!
I don't want to go into too much detail about each of the acts and how they shone or flopped as it will become a bit boring after a few weeks and my blog will end up being 197 million pages long, and nobody wants that! So instead I'm going to split it into 3 categories, the 'YAY's' the 'NAY's' and the 'Hmmm's'
I have to start with the YAY's and the act that officially blew my quite large size 7 socks off, best performance of the night - only just though - The Rhythmix! Those girls really brought it tonight, and I don't ever say that, I don't even know what 'it' is but it was definitely brought! There's real chemistry between these girls, they nailed 'I'm like a bird' and the harmonies were spot on, well done girls, you got my vote, plus as Tulisa said, I don't get the impression your about to steal my boyfriend which is always an added bonus!
Other acts in the YEY category are Janet, The Risk, Sami and Mischa B. Little Janet Devlin, she looked so lost on that stage, until she started to sing, beautiful from start to finish, what a trooper! The Risk, these are not young boys who are just here for the excitement and the screaming girls (ok maybe a little bit), they mean business, you can tell they worked hard on their performance. They look, act and sing like a group of men who have grew up together singing, yet they haven't, just brilliant.
Sami, now then, this was a close one, she almost made the 'Hmmm' Category, as at first I was on the fence, I couldn't decide whether she was nailing it, but then came the 'AND IIIIIIIIIIII' which immediately nudged her up into this category, not many people can tackle THAT Whitney song and pull off the hardest bit, she did, bravo. Then We've got Mischa B, she made that song her own, so much so I had no idea what it was but I was enjoying it, I finally figured it out and was amazed at how different she had made it. Nothing copycat about her at all, she's 100% original, owned the stage like a star.
Now then, unfortunately not everyone can deliver like superstars every week so I have to be honest and pick out the people I think didn't. The hardest thing about this is that the performance we hear at home is totally different to that in the studio, I've been to a few of the X Factor tours and people I thought were rubbish have totally wowed me. Nevertheless I can only go off what I thought from my TV, so here goes. Sorry in advance.
*Dermot Voice* The acts that made it to the NAY category this week are, in no particular order.......*long pause with dramatic music* Nu Vibe, *cue Boo's* Frankie, *cue uncontrollable sobs from screaming girls* and Sophie *cue shocked faces from the Judges* Okay that was fun, I enjoyed that, it made this category slightly easier to write :-) now for my reasons....
Nu Vibe, now last week I wasn't wowed but put it down to first show nerves as they are young, however this week again I just didn't feel it. Vocally each of them have talent, but together they seem to struggle, lack of chemistry and harmonies just don't sound right.
Frankie, clearly I'm just not a Frankie fan, I say this every week but I still just don't get him at all, song choice this week was poor, well actually the song is fantastic, I love it personally, but not that version.
Lastly we've got Sophie, I actually feel guilty putting her in this category, but it just had to be done. I think this week was one of those performances I mentioned earlier where you have to be there to appreciate it. From my living room, it didn't sound that great, she seemed to struggle - the judges comments clearly contradict what I'm saying which is why I think it must've sounded better live. Not denying she has talent though because she has.
Lastly we have the 'Hmmm's' now these are all the acts that were neither rubbish nor fantastic. Some of which I was disappointed in after last week, and some I'm disappointed in their mentor! Cue Johnny. Louis Louis Louis, what are you doing to this man, although saying that, Johnny did look like he absolutely loved every minute of tonight. No one else in this competition could've sang that song as good as him, nor looked as happy as him singing it! However I agree with what Gary said, I don't want to laugh at him, he's respectable and very talented.
Marcus and Craig, both of these had the same problem I thought, wrong song. I think Craig should have sang Marcus' song, it would've suited him better. Neither of them looked comfortable singing their song this week, which was a huge disappointment for me because they were in my faves last week.
Then we have Kitty - I have expressed that I'm not a Kitty fan on many occasions, mainly because she's just too much for me. So you probably would've expected to see her in the 'NAY' category, what you forget is I base my decision on talent, and regardless how much people dislike her, she is talented and tonight she put on a dam good show, however she wasn't flawless hence the reason she made this category.
One thing I have to mention about this week, the judges seemed happier, obviously we had a few of the expected jibes and digs, mentors getting defensive about their act, but generally the mood seemed happier, which is obviously down to the fact that they don't have to send an act home tomorrow, but guess what? WE DO MWAHAHAHAHAHA! Get voting or you may see your favourite sent home, I've already backed my fave!
I think that concludes my summary of this week's performances, tune in tomorrow for my view on the results!
Ooo ooo ooo - no I forgot my predictions, ok, as Gary said earlier, if this was based on Talent then the result would be different, meaning Frankie would be gone, however as fan base is always a huge factor in the voting process then I think Kitty or Sophie may be in trouble. Which is a shame as I think they have more to give.
Quote of the night - Johnny "You can rub my lamp any time Gary" "VOGUE!"
I don't want to go into too much detail about each of the acts and how they shone or flopped as it will become a bit boring after a few weeks and my blog will end up being 197 million pages long, and nobody wants that! So instead I'm going to split it into 3 categories, the 'YAY's' the 'NAY's' and the 'Hmmm's'
I have to start with the YAY's and the act that officially blew my quite large size 7 socks off, best performance of the night - only just though - The Rhythmix! Those girls really brought it tonight, and I don't ever say that, I don't even know what 'it' is but it was definitely brought! There's real chemistry between these girls, they nailed 'I'm like a bird' and the harmonies were spot on, well done girls, you got my vote, plus as Tulisa said, I don't get the impression your about to steal my boyfriend which is always an added bonus!
Other acts in the YEY category are Janet, The Risk, Sami and Mischa B. Little Janet Devlin, she looked so lost on that stage, until she started to sing, beautiful from start to finish, what a trooper! The Risk, these are not young boys who are just here for the excitement and the screaming girls (ok maybe a little bit), they mean business, you can tell they worked hard on their performance. They look, act and sing like a group of men who have grew up together singing, yet they haven't, just brilliant.
Sami, now then, this was a close one, she almost made the 'Hmmm' Category, as at first I was on the fence, I couldn't decide whether she was nailing it, but then came the 'AND IIIIIIIIIIII' which immediately nudged her up into this category, not many people can tackle THAT Whitney song and pull off the hardest bit, she did, bravo. Then We've got Mischa B, she made that song her own, so much so I had no idea what it was but I was enjoying it, I finally figured it out and was amazed at how different she had made it. Nothing copycat about her at all, she's 100% original, owned the stage like a star.
Now then, unfortunately not everyone can deliver like superstars every week so I have to be honest and pick out the people I think didn't. The hardest thing about this is that the performance we hear at home is totally different to that in the studio, I've been to a few of the X Factor tours and people I thought were rubbish have totally wowed me. Nevertheless I can only go off what I thought from my TV, so here goes. Sorry in advance.
*Dermot Voice* The acts that made it to the NAY category this week are, in no particular order.......*long pause with dramatic music* Nu Vibe, *cue Boo's* Frankie, *cue uncontrollable sobs from screaming girls* and Sophie *cue shocked faces from the Judges* Okay that was fun, I enjoyed that, it made this category slightly easier to write :-) now for my reasons....
Nu Vibe, now last week I wasn't wowed but put it down to first show nerves as they are young, however this week again I just didn't feel it. Vocally each of them have talent, but together they seem to struggle, lack of chemistry and harmonies just don't sound right.
Frankie, clearly I'm just not a Frankie fan, I say this every week but I still just don't get him at all, song choice this week was poor, well actually the song is fantastic, I love it personally, but not that version.
Lastly we've got Sophie, I actually feel guilty putting her in this category, but it just had to be done. I think this week was one of those performances I mentioned earlier where you have to be there to appreciate it. From my living room, it didn't sound that great, she seemed to struggle - the judges comments clearly contradict what I'm saying which is why I think it must've sounded better live. Not denying she has talent though because she has.
Lastly we have the 'Hmmm's' now these are all the acts that were neither rubbish nor fantastic. Some of which I was disappointed in after last week, and some I'm disappointed in their mentor! Cue Johnny. Louis Louis Louis, what are you doing to this man, although saying that, Johnny did look like he absolutely loved every minute of tonight. No one else in this competition could've sang that song as good as him, nor looked as happy as him singing it! However I agree with what Gary said, I don't want to laugh at him, he's respectable and very talented.
Marcus and Craig, both of these had the same problem I thought, wrong song. I think Craig should have sang Marcus' song, it would've suited him better. Neither of them looked comfortable singing their song this week, which was a huge disappointment for me because they were in my faves last week.
Then we have Kitty - I have expressed that I'm not a Kitty fan on many occasions, mainly because she's just too much for me. So you probably would've expected to see her in the 'NAY' category, what you forget is I base my decision on talent, and regardless how much people dislike her, she is talented and tonight she put on a dam good show, however she wasn't flawless hence the reason she made this category.
One thing I have to mention about this week, the judges seemed happier, obviously we had a few of the expected jibes and digs, mentors getting defensive about their act, but generally the mood seemed happier, which is obviously down to the fact that they don't have to send an act home tomorrow, but guess what? WE DO MWAHAHAHAHAHA! Get voting or you may see your favourite sent home, I've already backed my fave!
I think that concludes my summary of this week's performances, tune in tomorrow for my view on the results!
Ooo ooo ooo - no I forgot my predictions, ok, as Gary said earlier, if this was based on Talent then the result would be different, meaning Frankie would be gone, however as fan base is always a huge factor in the voting process then I think Kitty or Sophie may be in trouble. Which is a shame as I think they have more to give.
Quote of the night - Johnny "You can rub my lamp any time Gary" "VOGUE!"
Sunday, 9 October 2011
Eventful, Totes Emosh & down right Amazing!
What a night! My emotions were everywhere, I had cold clammy shaking hands and couldn't even enjoy my pizza I was that nervous about the results, can't even imagine what the contestants were feeling, or the judges.
The results weren't really a shock if I'm honest - see my previous post. Not exactly what I was hoping for, especially Amelia, gutted about her leaving but the girls category is so hard this year. The others I wasn't that surprised about, doesn't mean they deserved to go though.
I really felt for Tulisa tonight, you could see the vote off was really tearing her up inside, she was clearly attached to all her acts, she had me close to tears several times. Obviously it was never going to be easy on any of the judges.
So to summarise, we lost 2 Shoes from the groups, totes emosh! I loved those girls but Tulisa obviously saw something in Nu Vibe to keep them in. We don't see behind the scenes, or the rehearsals, fingers crossed they deliver better next week.
Jonjo left the Over 25's which wasn't too much of a shock, the other's in the category seem to have more to give. I didn't agree with the boo's when Kitty got through, yea she's controversial but she's human and has feelings, people need to remember that.
James was sent home from The Boys, which was obvious to me, Gary made it clear he was a risk from the start and he didn't steal the show with his performance. Talented but just not as good as the others.
And finally we say goodbye to the amazing Alelia Lily, AMELIA LILY! Still can't believe she's gone, she was amazing, but she was in a tough category. Did I mention she's amazing?
Chin up to the 4 sent home, it's only the end if you let it be.
The best part about tonight, which only applies to me personally but I want to share with the world - or at least this blog! I got a twitter #TXFSigns from Tulisa!! OMG!! For those of you who don't know what that is, check it out on my picture. I'm absolutely over the moon, words can't describe it. I'm forever thankful to Twitter Guy for sharing my blog with team X Factor and the world! THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH!
The results weren't really a shock if I'm honest - see my previous post. Not exactly what I was hoping for, especially Amelia, gutted about her leaving but the girls category is so hard this year. The others I wasn't that surprised about, doesn't mean they deserved to go though.
I really felt for Tulisa tonight, you could see the vote off was really tearing her up inside, she was clearly attached to all her acts, she had me close to tears several times. Obviously it was never going to be easy on any of the judges.
So to summarise, we lost 2 Shoes from the groups, totes emosh! I loved those girls but Tulisa obviously saw something in Nu Vibe to keep them in. We don't see behind the scenes, or the rehearsals, fingers crossed they deliver better next week.
Jonjo left the Over 25's which wasn't too much of a shock, the other's in the category seem to have more to give. I didn't agree with the boo's when Kitty got through, yea she's controversial but she's human and has feelings, people need to remember that.
James was sent home from The Boys, which was obvious to me, Gary made it clear he was a risk from the start and he didn't steal the show with his performance. Talented but just not as good as the others.
And finally we say goodbye to the amazing Alelia Lily, AMELIA LILY! Still can't believe she's gone, she was amazing, but she was in a tough category. Did I mention she's amazing?
Chin up to the 4 sent home, it's only the end if you let it be.
The best part about tonight, which only applies to me personally but I want to share with the world - or at least this blog! I got a twitter #TXFSigns from Tulisa!! OMG!! For those of you who don't know what that is, check it out on my picture. I'm absolutely over the moon, words can't describe it. I'm forever thankful to Twitter Guy for sharing my blog with team X Factor and the world! THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH!
BOOM! Explosive Live Show!!!
I apologise in advance for the length of this post, I'm so excited about tonight's episode I've just got so much to write and I can't bring myself to cut it short - just read it in small doses :-) (not every week will be this long)
Well I HAVE to start by mentioning the big Twist, at first I was like oooooooooh that's going to be fabulous, but after seeing the acts perform tonight I'm not so happy about it, I've got a horrible feeling that a few of my favourites will be leaving, not a happy bunny!
Ok ok ok, where do I begin, let's discuss each judge and their acts together just so I don't get over excited and start going off on one in between each act.
I have to start with my favourite - I know I shouldn't have a favourite but it's just too hard. Tulisa has won over the nation. She promised to be feisty and bring an edge to the competition and she has delivered on that promise. Tonight she was critical when she needed to be, defensive at exactly the right times - quote "Are you Mental"- very professional too :-) - all this under the watchful eye of Mr Cowell and about 15million viewers for the very first time. Round of applause for Ms Contostavlos. To top it off, WOW what a job she's done with the groups, this girl knows her shiz.
1st up was the extremely talented and down to earth Rhythmix. Now I have to be honest, I wasn't a fan of theirs to begin with, no particular reason, but after tonight I have to agree with Gary, they are by far the best girl group The X Factor has ever seen. It's refreshing to have talented young girls come together and deliver like that, not trashy or over glamorous just completely modern and 'girl next door' like.
Next we saw 2 Shoes, these girls are actually very talented, which unfortunately was lost a bit tonight, personally I feel the song wasn't right for them, it was good and bubbly but didn't advertise their talent like other songs could've. Slightly disappointed because I was excited to see them smash it, fingers crossed for next week.
Nu Vibe - now these will obviously get the vote from the screaming girls, no doubt about that, they are attractive young boys with enough talent between them to take them so far, how far exactly, I'm not so sure. Tonight's performance was ok, not up there with the best though.
Last for Tulisa we saw the boy band she put together at judges houses, perfectly named The Risk. Bang on Tulisa, you saw something there and went with it, best decision ever. These boys, men in fact, nailed it tonight. No gimmicks, just talent. The harmonies were spot on, and they each brought their own piece to the table, nobody hid behind anyone else, LOVED IT.
The Twist: If it the decision was mine then based on tonight it would have to be Nu Vibe, but I have a feeling it may be 2 Shoes.
Let's go to Louis now, always makes me smile - in an evil angry way! Like I've said previously, Louis isn't actually that bad this year, he has started to try and wind Gary up - must be like a substitute Simon, but Gary doesn't bite, he just laughs which is even better! Swiftly moving on to his acts:
Johnny was up first, bless him. Louis what on earth were you thinking?? Vocally I was surprised, I didn't expect him to sing that song as good as he did, Bravo Johnny. Visually I was even more surprised! It was fun, and he definitely has the personality factor. As Tulisa said, he's my guilty pleasure.
Jonjo next, he failed to stand out, and in a competition as big as this, you have to stand out, bad song choice, albeit his own choice - which Louis was quick to announce! He does have talent but against the other contestants he was easily forgotten tonight. Harsh but true.
Whoa, Sami, you sure made Louis feel like an eejit tonight, what was he thinking not putting you through. For me she was up amongst the top performances of the night, absolutely blew me away. I hope Louis knows how lucky HE is to have her back, not the other way around. She really owned the stage, and that voice is just amazing.
And then we get knocked straight back into reality with Kitty. Okay, I like Marmite, so if Kitty is like Marmite then I should like her, right? Wrong! Because she isn't Marmite. Very peculiar this one, for the first time I actually felt for her tonight, you could tell she was terrified, it was obvious in her voice and her stage presence. Sorry but I'm still not a fan, I'd be more than happy to be won over though.
The Twist: I'm not a Kitty fan but I'd like to see her change my mind, so for me I think it would have to be Jonjo - which I've got a feeling Louis will go with too.
Next we've got the stunning Kelly - how on earth can some one be that gorgeous, it's just not even fair! As well as her beauty she also has an amazing sense of humour, but very serious when needed. It's clear she's got a soft spot for Gary, always coming to his defence when the other judges disagreed with him tonight, but yet she also has a clear bond with Tulisa (more so on Xtra Factor ;-P). Kelly sure has a tough category and this is where I get worried.
Amelia Lily opened the show with a bang - she is my favourite, very rock chick, but such an amazingly raw voice, very much Christina Aguilera like. Her song let her down slightly tonight, but she didn't play it safe like some others and I just hope Kelly see's past that and keep's her in, she could win it.
Next was Sophie, she definitely looks the part, and has a beautiful voice. Her performance tonight in my opinion was lacking something, I was waiting for a big finish but it never happened.
Misha B, well what do I say! What can I say that hasn't already been said?? She was rubbish - which would be a lie!! This girl has everything, excellent song choice, loved how she mixed it up to match her style. You would think she'd been doing this years. Vocally she was flawless. Well Done Misha.
Closing the show we had Janet, little old shy Janet. Not so shy now may I add! As bad as this sounds, all the way through the show I was praying she would be rubbish, just so she would be an easy choice for Kelly and then Amelia would be safe. Dam you Janet for being so good! Slightly nervous but even the nerves went well with the song. Brilliant song choice and a brilliant performance.
The Twist: Oooooo this is tough, as much as I like her voice, I would have to pick Sophie, simply because I prefer the others. Good luck Kelly, tough decision on your hands.
Finishing things we've got Gary, good old Mr Barlow. When did he become so ruggedly handsome! Did I miss it? Found it now so not to worry! Seems he's decided to slip into Simon's 'Mean' shoes. However saying that, most of what he said I agreed with before he'd even said it.
To start things off for the legendary Gary Barlow we had Frankie, ARGH he frustrates me so much, and alot of people (mainly young girls) will probably hate me now, but I just don't get him at all. I really want to do the 'Jackass' style razor attack on the back of his head just so he would have to cut his hair! I'm positive that under that hair, the tight pants and the awkwardness there is talent, I just haven't seen very much of it yet! Ouch, sorry!
James didn't do much better either, at least he didn't look as awkward this time due to the fact he had his guitar. He failed to wow me with his performance, and at times sounded - to be frank - terrible. Again Ouch, Sorry!
Now then, Marcus, I liked him. *Shock Horror* he is so down to earth and such a loveable character, then he sings and you just love him even more. Who cares what the papers write, why should sexuality change your opinion on someone. It shouldn't. The song didn't really suit him but in the same respect he gave it his all and done a fabulous job!
Then we've got the amazing Craig, what a diamond he is. I love watching him perform, he really means every word he sings, I get lost in the story he is telling, and his voice is just beautiful. The way he built it up to the end was perfect for me, and like Kelly, I wanted to throw a pen at him and shout 'Sing Boy'
The Twist: I have to say James, and I think Gary will too. He seems too in favour of the other boys.
This year X Factor seems to have exploded bigger than usual. It's amazing to be a part of, even if it is just through Twitter and this Blog. The build up through the week is great, I used to love my job but now it's just a chore I have to do in between watching the show haha. The online activity is immense as well, I never saw any non X Factor related tweets on Twitter tonight - same on Facebook. 2011 is the best!! Keep it up Team X Factor.
Tomorrow will be interesting to say the least - and I will be back with my views as usual! Can't wait!!!!
PS - Loved Dermot as usual, so glad he is back on our screens where he belongs!
Well I HAVE to start by mentioning the big Twist, at first I was like oooooooooh that's going to be fabulous, but after seeing the acts perform tonight I'm not so happy about it, I've got a horrible feeling that a few of my favourites will be leaving, not a happy bunny!
Ok ok ok, where do I begin, let's discuss each judge and their acts together just so I don't get over excited and start going off on one in between each act.
I have to start with my favourite - I know I shouldn't have a favourite but it's just too hard. Tulisa has won over the nation. She promised to be feisty and bring an edge to the competition and she has delivered on that promise. Tonight she was critical when she needed to be, defensive at exactly the right times - quote "Are you Mental"- very professional too :-) - all this under the watchful eye of Mr Cowell and about 15million viewers for the very first time. Round of applause for Ms Contostavlos. To top it off, WOW what a job she's done with the groups, this girl knows her shiz.
1st up was the extremely talented and down to earth Rhythmix. Now I have to be honest, I wasn't a fan of theirs to begin with, no particular reason, but after tonight I have to agree with Gary, they are by far the best girl group The X Factor has ever seen. It's refreshing to have talented young girls come together and deliver like that, not trashy or over glamorous just completely modern and 'girl next door' like.
Next we saw 2 Shoes, these girls are actually very talented, which unfortunately was lost a bit tonight, personally I feel the song wasn't right for them, it was good and bubbly but didn't advertise their talent like other songs could've. Slightly disappointed because I was excited to see them smash it, fingers crossed for next week.
Nu Vibe - now these will obviously get the vote from the screaming girls, no doubt about that, they are attractive young boys with enough talent between them to take them so far, how far exactly, I'm not so sure. Tonight's performance was ok, not up there with the best though.
Last for Tulisa we saw the boy band she put together at judges houses, perfectly named The Risk. Bang on Tulisa, you saw something there and went with it, best decision ever. These boys, men in fact, nailed it tonight. No gimmicks, just talent. The harmonies were spot on, and they each brought their own piece to the table, nobody hid behind anyone else, LOVED IT.
The Twist: If it the decision was mine then based on tonight it would have to be Nu Vibe, but I have a feeling it may be 2 Shoes.
Let's go to Louis now, always makes me smile - in an evil angry way! Like I've said previously, Louis isn't actually that bad this year, he has started to try and wind Gary up - must be like a substitute Simon, but Gary doesn't bite, he just laughs which is even better! Swiftly moving on to his acts:
Johnny was up first, bless him. Louis what on earth were you thinking?? Vocally I was surprised, I didn't expect him to sing that song as good as he did, Bravo Johnny. Visually I was even more surprised! It was fun, and he definitely has the personality factor. As Tulisa said, he's my guilty pleasure.
Jonjo next, he failed to stand out, and in a competition as big as this, you have to stand out, bad song choice, albeit his own choice - which Louis was quick to announce! He does have talent but against the other contestants he was easily forgotten tonight. Harsh but true.
Whoa, Sami, you sure made Louis feel like an eejit tonight, what was he thinking not putting you through. For me she was up amongst the top performances of the night, absolutely blew me away. I hope Louis knows how lucky HE is to have her back, not the other way around. She really owned the stage, and that voice is just amazing.
And then we get knocked straight back into reality with Kitty. Okay, I like Marmite, so if Kitty is like Marmite then I should like her, right? Wrong! Because she isn't Marmite. Very peculiar this one, for the first time I actually felt for her tonight, you could tell she was terrified, it was obvious in her voice and her stage presence. Sorry but I'm still not a fan, I'd be more than happy to be won over though.
The Twist: I'm not a Kitty fan but I'd like to see her change my mind, so for me I think it would have to be Jonjo - which I've got a feeling Louis will go with too.
Next we've got the stunning Kelly - how on earth can some one be that gorgeous, it's just not even fair! As well as her beauty she also has an amazing sense of humour, but very serious when needed. It's clear she's got a soft spot for Gary, always coming to his defence when the other judges disagreed with him tonight, but yet she also has a clear bond with Tulisa (more so on Xtra Factor ;-P). Kelly sure has a tough category and this is where I get worried.
Amelia Lily opened the show with a bang - she is my favourite, very rock chick, but such an amazingly raw voice, very much Christina Aguilera like. Her song let her down slightly tonight, but she didn't play it safe like some others and I just hope Kelly see's past that and keep's her in, she could win it.
Next was Sophie, she definitely looks the part, and has a beautiful voice. Her performance tonight in my opinion was lacking something, I was waiting for a big finish but it never happened.
Misha B, well what do I say! What can I say that hasn't already been said?? She was rubbish - which would be a lie!! This girl has everything, excellent song choice, loved how she mixed it up to match her style. You would think she'd been doing this years. Vocally she was flawless. Well Done Misha.
Closing the show we had Janet, little old shy Janet. Not so shy now may I add! As bad as this sounds, all the way through the show I was praying she would be rubbish, just so she would be an easy choice for Kelly and then Amelia would be safe. Dam you Janet for being so good! Slightly nervous but even the nerves went well with the song. Brilliant song choice and a brilliant performance.
The Twist: Oooooo this is tough, as much as I like her voice, I would have to pick Sophie, simply because I prefer the others. Good luck Kelly, tough decision on your hands.
Finishing things we've got Gary, good old Mr Barlow. When did he become so ruggedly handsome! Did I miss it? Found it now so not to worry! Seems he's decided to slip into Simon's 'Mean' shoes. However saying that, most of what he said I agreed with before he'd even said it.
To start things off for the legendary Gary Barlow we had Frankie, ARGH he frustrates me so much, and alot of people (mainly young girls) will probably hate me now, but I just don't get him at all. I really want to do the 'Jackass' style razor attack on the back of his head just so he would have to cut his hair! I'm positive that under that hair, the tight pants and the awkwardness there is talent, I just haven't seen very much of it yet! Ouch, sorry!
James didn't do much better either, at least he didn't look as awkward this time due to the fact he had his guitar. He failed to wow me with his performance, and at times sounded - to be frank - terrible. Again Ouch, Sorry!
Now then, Marcus, I liked him. *Shock Horror* he is so down to earth and such a loveable character, then he sings and you just love him even more. Who cares what the papers write, why should sexuality change your opinion on someone. It shouldn't. The song didn't really suit him but in the same respect he gave it his all and done a fabulous job!
Then we've got the amazing Craig, what a diamond he is. I love watching him perform, he really means every word he sings, I get lost in the story he is telling, and his voice is just beautiful. The way he built it up to the end was perfect for me, and like Kelly, I wanted to throw a pen at him and shout 'Sing Boy'
The Twist: I have to say James, and I think Gary will too. He seems too in favour of the other boys.
This year X Factor seems to have exploded bigger than usual. It's amazing to be a part of, even if it is just through Twitter and this Blog. The build up through the week is great, I used to love my job but now it's just a chore I have to do in between watching the show haha. The online activity is immense as well, I never saw any non X Factor related tweets on Twitter tonight - same on Facebook. 2011 is the best!! Keep it up Team X Factor.
Tomorrow will be interesting to say the least - and I will be back with my views as usual! Can't wait!!!!
PS - Loved Dermot as usual, so glad he is back on our screens where he belongs!
Sunday, 2 October 2011
OH EM GEE!! The Big Reveal...
Ok so this weekend I was away so missed the show, thank heavens for Sky+ is all I can say! All the way home in the car from Blackpool I was clock watching trying to figure out how much time I would have to catch up on both episodes with managing to unpack, shower etc. I'm so pleased I did, I'm so tired but had to write this before crashing, I'm WIRED! (had to check the spelling there, make sure it said wired, not weird)
Judges houses is always full of tears, controversy and most of all talent! This year it didn't fail in any of those categories, the one thing I found more this year than any other was disappointment, in both the acts and the final choices. Here's my view:
Gary and the Boys:
Firstly I have to say, Robbie was amazeballs, he done a great job with Gary. This category brought my biggest disappointment with Luke Lucas, such a shame, after that first big audition he just blew it, trying to sing a song that just wasn't right for his voice, it sounded bad and looked awkward.
The final 4 boys in my view were the wrong choice, Craig and Marcus are fabulous, Craig is the one to beat in this competition, he gives me goosebumps every time I hear him, I could buy him album tomorrow. just don't get him, I never got the hype at his audition or bootcamp, he's a mediocre singer with ridiculous hair. He reminds me of a male Katie Waissel, very unique kind of voice but not as good as a few sent home. James is another one I'm unsure of, he sometimes has a beautiful voice, but he never looks like he wants to be there, when he sang Skinny Love last night he looked very uncomfortable. He might open up when he sings with his guitar, fingers crossed.
Final thought on Boys - Craig has set the bar high this early in the process, but also expectations.
Tulisa and the Groups:
Wowzers, go Tulisa causing controversy in your first year, love it! I've said it before, she's a tough cookie this lass and isn't afraid to push the boundaries if she believes in something. I loved her and Jessie J, they would make interesting music together - just a thought! Back to the groups, No major surprises this time, think Tulisa picked the right groups for the correct reasons. 2 Shoes singing Tick Tock was amazing, they nailed it, well and truly earned their spot in the finals. Nu Vibe doing their little remix of Written in the Stars/Nobody's Perfect, very clever, original and fresh loved it. Rhythmix - this is the only group that I'm unsure of, maybe it was just the clip we seen but I thought it sounded too much, for me the girls sang together too much, it was a bit overpowering, good voices individually though. Finally we've got The Risk *dum dum duuuuuuuum* queue dramatic music! Completely agree with Tulisa on this one, I said when watching The Keys that for me it seemed like a solo audition from Charlie with a bunch of his mates helping him out. The Risk just didn't feel right, now they do and I'm excited to see what they produce!
Final thought on the Groups: I think this year brings the strongest Groups category ever, a very exciting prospect for the Live shows.
Kelly and the Girls:
Awww I love Kelly, she is so down to earth and funny, fave quote of the night on Saturday was after Amelia sang 'E.T' and Kelly said 'Katy Who?' haha I loved it, mainly because I had literally just said that Amelia sang it better than Katy Perry when we saw her live! Fabulous. My pre-show prediction for the girls was Amelia, Janet, Mischa and Jade, so I was very close, I really didn't see Jade getting the boot, that shocked me to the core - THE CORE!! Although saying that, I really loved Sophie, beautiful tone to her voice, she's always kind of hid behind the others for me, tonight she jumped out, I was very pleasantly surprised. Mischa bringing the rap with a hint of soul was great, really loved her performance, and Janet just done her usual thing, I hope it doesn't become predictable, that's my only concern with her, Kelly needs to be careful with Janet. Amelia is just, wow, no words I write will describe how good she is, her and Craig will keep this competition real.
Final thought for the Girls: Katy who? EXACTLY!
Louis and the Over 25's
It pains me to write about this category, actual pain is what I feel when thinking about it! Louis seriously you hurt my head! Firstly I have to hand it to Goldie for stepping down, for whatever reason she gave it was the right thing to do, it would've been a female Wagner. I can't find any feasible reason why Louis could pick Goldie over Sami, I admit Goldie would be entertaining, but the whole point is to find a star who will sell records, isn't it? Unless I'm seriously mistaken, Goldie can't sing? Whatever, moving on. JonJo sang an Adele song reasonably well, he deserved to get through, my honest opinion, he won't win it, there's too many other amazing artists to compete against. Johnny, he's lovely and has a unique voice, would I buy his album, no. Sorry. Kitty, ARGH, she irritates me, when she started to sing I closed my eyes and really enjoyed it, then it got a little shouty but still I thought 'Yea she's really good' then she finished and I opened my eyes and the urge of anger returned as soon as she kicked her shoes off and jumped in the pool! Attention seeker to the max! I think Louis only put her through because he knows it will divide the nation like Jedward did. Difference with Kitty is she can actually sing. Sami - she's amazing, it's Louis who's had the life line given to him this time, he's lucky to have been given a 2nd chance to correct his mistake. She is his chance.
Final thought for Over 25's: Louis your an eejit, but you know how to keep people watching!
The Live shows start next week, that will be exciting to say the least, and there's a Twist, oooooooo what could it be? I have no idea and I have no intention of finding out, why I hear you ask? Because I prefer the shock factor when I'm watching it, it's much more exciting. That's why I enjoyed judges house's so much because I hadn't read any of the leaked stories, it ruins the suspense.
Final thought for this week: very interesting line up for the live shows next week, normally you can smell the winner a mile off but this year I think it's a tough call, all categories have very strong contenders. Good luck to you all, we shall be judging you each step of the way!!
Judges houses is always full of tears, controversy and most of all talent! This year it didn't fail in any of those categories, the one thing I found more this year than any other was disappointment, in both the acts and the final choices. Here's my view:
Gary and the Boys:
Firstly I have to say, Robbie was amazeballs, he done a great job with Gary. This category brought my biggest disappointment with Luke Lucas, such a shame, after that first big audition he just blew it, trying to sing a song that just wasn't right for his voice, it sounded bad and looked awkward.
The final 4 boys in my view were the wrong choice, Craig and Marcus are fabulous, Craig is the one to beat in this competition, he gives me goosebumps every time I hear him, I could buy him album tomorrow. just don't get him, I never got the hype at his audition or bootcamp, he's a mediocre singer with ridiculous hair. He reminds me of a male Katie Waissel, very unique kind of voice but not as good as a few sent home. James is another one I'm unsure of, he sometimes has a beautiful voice, but he never looks like he wants to be there, when he sang Skinny Love last night he looked very uncomfortable. He might open up when he sings with his guitar, fingers crossed.
Final thought on Boys - Craig has set the bar high this early in the process, but also expectations.
Tulisa and the Groups:
Wowzers, go Tulisa causing controversy in your first year, love it! I've said it before, she's a tough cookie this lass and isn't afraid to push the boundaries if she believes in something. I loved her and Jessie J, they would make interesting music together - just a thought! Back to the groups, No major surprises this time, think Tulisa picked the right groups for the correct reasons. 2 Shoes singing Tick Tock was amazing, they nailed it, well and truly earned their spot in the finals. Nu Vibe doing their little remix of Written in the Stars/Nobody's Perfect, very clever, original and fresh loved it. Rhythmix - this is the only group that I'm unsure of, maybe it was just the clip we seen but I thought it sounded too much, for me the girls sang together too much, it was a bit overpowering, good voices individually though. Finally we've got The Risk *dum dum duuuuuuuum* queue dramatic music! Completely agree with Tulisa on this one, I said when watching The Keys that for me it seemed like a solo audition from Charlie with a bunch of his mates helping him out. The Risk just didn't feel right, now they do and I'm excited to see what they produce!
Final thought on the Groups: I think this year brings the strongest Groups category ever, a very exciting prospect for the Live shows.
Kelly and the Girls:
Awww I love Kelly, she is so down to earth and funny, fave quote of the night on Saturday was after Amelia sang 'E.T' and Kelly said 'Katy Who?' haha I loved it, mainly because I had literally just said that Amelia sang it better than Katy Perry when we saw her live! Fabulous. My pre-show prediction for the girls was Amelia, Janet, Mischa and Jade, so I was very close, I really didn't see Jade getting the boot, that shocked me to the core - THE CORE!! Although saying that, I really loved Sophie, beautiful tone to her voice, she's always kind of hid behind the others for me, tonight she jumped out, I was very pleasantly surprised. Mischa bringing the rap with a hint of soul was great, really loved her performance, and Janet just done her usual thing, I hope it doesn't become predictable, that's my only concern with her, Kelly needs to be careful with Janet. Amelia is just, wow, no words I write will describe how good she is, her and Craig will keep this competition real.
Final thought for the Girls: Katy who? EXACTLY!
Louis and the Over 25's
It pains me to write about this category, actual pain is what I feel when thinking about it! Louis seriously you hurt my head! Firstly I have to hand it to Goldie for stepping down, for whatever reason she gave it was the right thing to do, it would've been a female Wagner. I can't find any feasible reason why Louis could pick Goldie over Sami, I admit Goldie would be entertaining, but the whole point is to find a star who will sell records, isn't it? Unless I'm seriously mistaken, Goldie can't sing? Whatever, moving on. JonJo sang an Adele song reasonably well, he deserved to get through, my honest opinion, he won't win it, there's too many other amazing artists to compete against. Johnny, he's lovely and has a unique voice, would I buy his album, no. Sorry. Kitty, ARGH, she irritates me, when she started to sing I closed my eyes and really enjoyed it, then it got a little shouty but still I thought 'Yea she's really good' then she finished and I opened my eyes and the urge of anger returned as soon as she kicked her shoes off and jumped in the pool! Attention seeker to the max! I think Louis only put her through because he knows it will divide the nation like Jedward did. Difference with Kitty is she can actually sing. Sami - she's amazing, it's Louis who's had the life line given to him this time, he's lucky to have been given a 2nd chance to correct his mistake. She is his chance.
Final thought for Over 25's: Louis your an eejit, but you know how to keep people watching!
The Live shows start next week, that will be exciting to say the least, and there's a Twist, oooooooo what could it be? I have no idea and I have no intention of finding out, why I hear you ask? Because I prefer the shock factor when I'm watching it, it's much more exciting. That's why I enjoyed judges house's so much because I hadn't read any of the leaked stories, it ruins the suspense.
Final thought for this week: very interesting line up for the live shows next week, normally you can smell the winner a mile off but this year I think it's a tough call, all categories have very strong contenders. Good luck to you all, we shall be judging you each step of the way!!
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